About us

A joint initiative

As part of the Belgian Presidency of the Council of the European Union, the three regional and federal investment companies − finance&invest.brussels, PMV, WE and SFPIM − have joined forces to raise the interests and tackle the funding challenges of our companies on the European agenda.

SFPIM (Société Fédérale de Participations et d'Investissement in French or Federale Participatie- en Investeringsmaatschappij in Dutch) is the Belgian Sovereign Wealth Fund.

SFPIM acts as a trusted partner in helping Belgian companies, SME as well as scale-ups, to become a reference in their industry by providing smart capital solutions.

SFPIM also plays a major role to safeguard the long-term stability of the Belgian economy by contributing to the anchoring of strategic assets through smart capital solutions in both promising and established companies or ecosystems.

SFPIM invests in a wide range of companies and sectors embracing both historical sectors (such as lifesciences & healthcare, finance and aeronautics) as well as new and thriving sectors (such as energy & utilities, transport & mobility and impact investing). SFPIM also has assets under management for the Federal State.

finance&invest.brussels is a public utility limited company. It facilitates and completes the financing chain for businesses that create value in the Brussels Capital Region by providing concrete solutions to the financial needs of entrepreneurs, in the form of loans, participations or guarantees, at decisive moments in their existence: creation, expansion, innovation, internationalisation, ecological transition, acquisition transfer.

finance&invest.brussels focusses on two specific target groups: start-ups, scale-ups and SMEs on the one hand (investment of 100,000 to 5 million euro) and VSEs, social enterprises and cooperatives on the other (investment of 5,000 to 150,000 euro).


PMV is a Flemish investment company building a sustainable Flemish economy, the engine of our prosperity and well-being. PMV partners ambitious companies and projects, committed to social impact and financial return. PMV finances promising companies from the very start, through growth and internationalisation. 

PMV offers tailor-made financial solutions to all entrepreneurs with a good business plan and a strong management team. It does so with capital, loans and guarantees. It also realises, with and for the government, and other partners, projects that are important for prosperity and welfare in Flanders. PMV has a portfolio with 1.7 billion euro of assets under management.

WE contributes to Wallonia's economic development through awareness programs and by supporting and financing Wallonia-based companies in a wide range of sectors, including life sciences, deeptech, energy and aerospace. 

It provides, alongside private investors, equity and debt financing to companies of all sizes and in different stages of their development. In doing so, WE contributes to the development of ecosystems in order to generate employment, create value and attract further investment.